Pray TV
Steve Bruce
Not Available
The Religious Roots of American Sociology
Cecil E. Greek
Voices from the Gods
David Christie-Murray
The Elementary Forms of the New Religious Life
Roy Wallis
Religion, Aging and Health
William M. Clements
Social Science and the Cults
John A. Saliba
Religion and Advanced Industrial Society
James A. Beckford
Rosicrucianism in America
J. Gordon Melton
Ecstasy and Holiness
Frank Musgrove
God's Blueprints
John McKelvie Whitworth
Sociology of Religion
Joachim Wach
Violence and the Sacred in the Modern World
Mark Juergensmeyer
The Religion of Ethnicity
Gary A. Kunkelman
Religion and the Family
Geoffrey Hoyland
Jehovah's Witnesses
Marley Cole
A House Divided
Virtuous Pagans
Thomas H. Davenport
Christiantown, USA
Richard Stellway
Religion and Social Class
A. Allan MacLaren